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Categories: ertms

Hitachi Rail achève les premiers essais dynamiques de son nouveau système d’enclenchement sur la LGV Paris-Lyon

Hitachi Rail achève les premiers essais dynamiques de son nouveau système d’enclenchement sur la LGV Paris-Lyon

Hitachi Rail franchit une étape clé en France dans le déploiement de son système de d'enclenchement de nouvelle génération, sur la ligne à grande vitesse la plus fréquentée d'Europe, entre Paris et Lyon. Le nouveau système d'enclenchement numérique SEI+ d'Hitachi Rail a passé avec succès ses premiers essais dynamiques et remplacera, à terme, la technologie actuelle. Hitachi Rail contribue à la t

Digital signalling systems - ETCS level 2 -  will increase the efficiency of railway lines in the Philippines

Hitachi Rail wins major contract to deliver sustainable digital commuter railway in the Philippines

Hitachi Rail has been awarded a major contract worth around 114bn JPY*1(around 814m USD) called CP04 by the Philippine Government’s Department of Transportation to deliver Electrical & Mechanical Systems and Track Works, including digital signalling for the new commuter railway from Solis to Malolos in the Philippines.
The project will cover around 35.4km and nine stations on the North Sout

The Blues train

Hitachi Rail unveils cutting-edge battery hybrid train that will reduce emissions across Europe

Hitachi Rail’s new ‘Blues Train’, one of the most advanced trains in the world, was unveiled today (Wednesday 21st 2022) in Berlin at the world’s largest rail transport fair, InnoTrans. Built for Trenitalia, the cutting-edge battery hybrid train will reduce carbon emissions and fuel consumption by 50% and has the ability to arrive at and depart from stations completely under battery power.

Hitachi Rail wins digital signalling infrastructure contract to modernize the French railway network

Hitachi Rail wins digital signalling infrastructure contract to modernize the French railway network

12 July, Hitachi Rail has been selected, by SNCF Réseau, as the sole supplier within the framework agreement for the development and deployment of a new generation of wayside ERTMS (**) Radio Block Centers (RBC (*)).

The deployment of the RBC Argos, part of the ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System), will significantly increase the capacity of the rail network and improve the

Hitachi Rail and Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB partner to deploy ERTMS signalling technology to harmonise Scandinavian rail

Hitachi Rail and Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB partner to deploy ERTMS signalling technology to harmonise Scandinavian rail

Hitachi Rail and Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB partner to deploy ERTMS signalling technology to harmonise Scandinavian rail

7 July, Hitachi Rail has signed a new contract to design and install the ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) digital signalling technology on-board trains operated by Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB (also-called Tågab) in Sweden and Norway. The modernisation of

Hitachi Rail och Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB samarbetar för att implementera ERTMS signalteknik för att harmonisera den skandinaviska järnvägen

Hitachi Rail och Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB samarbetar för att implementera ERTMS signalteknik för att harmonisera den skandinaviska järnvägen

Hitachi Rail och Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB samarbetar för att implementera ERTMS signalteknik för att harmonisera den skandinaviska järnvägen
7 JulI, Hitachi Rail har tecknat ett nytt kontrakt för att designa och installera ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) ombordsystem på tåg som trafikeras av Tågåkeriet I Bergslagen AB (även kallat Tågab) i Sverige och Norge. Moderniseringe

Hyperloop TT franchit une étape cruciale vers la réalité grâce à un système avancé de signalisation et de gestion du trafic développé en collaboration avec Hitachi Rail

Hyperloop TT franchit une étape cruciale vers la réalité grâce à un système avancé de signalisation et de gestion du trafic développé en collaboration avec Hitachi Rail

Hitachi Rail a adapté ses simulateurs de systèmes de signalisation ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) à la technologie Hyperloop L'introduction dans le cloud de la logique de signalisation  peut créer un système plus fiable, plus durable et plus pérenne pour des capsules qui voyageront aussi vite que des avions. Cette collaboration permettra d'accélérer le calendrier de commercialisa

Hitachi Rail - ERTMS Map Italy

RFI awards Hitachi Rail €500m framework agreement for ERTMS digital signalling on 700km of the Italian railway

Framework agreement means trains from across Europe will be able to operate on Italian lines without interruption €500m deal is first technological project to be financed by Italy’s National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) Framework agreement will be delivered by a partnership including Hitachi Rail, Alstom Ferroviaria and Ceit
Framework lead
Hitachi Rail has signed a €500 million

TMe locomotive

Nordic Re-Finance Trains across Scandinavia to benefit from new on-board signalling technology ERTMS+STM delivered by Hitachi Rail

Hitachi Rail will roll out European standard ERTMS on-board technology to Nordic Re-Finance’s Scandinavian train fleet Introduction of Hitachi’s leading technology continues firm’s support for modernisation and digitisation of Scandanvia’s railways
Hitachi Rail has been awarded a new contract by Nordic Re-Finance to upgrade the signalling systems of the TMe fleet of locomotives operating in S

Hitachi Rail expects to drive growth in its signalling and turnkey business, like the autonomous metro system it supplied in Copenhagen

Hitachi Rail enters agreement to acquire Thales’ Ground Transportation Systems business

TOKYO / LONDON, 4 August 2021 – Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501, “Hitachi”). Hitachi Rail today agreed to acquire Thales’ Ground Transportation Systems business (the “Business” or “GTS”) for an enterprise value of €1,660 m (~¥215 bn). The final purchase price will be determined after customary adjustments typical for a transaction of this nature. The acquisition is expected to close in late FY2022[1], su

Hitachi Rail digitaliserer 140 km jernbanelinje som forbinder Sverige og Norge i nord

Hitachi Rail digitaliserer 140 km jernbanelinje som forbinder Sverige og Norge i nord

• Hitachi Rail skal sammen med det svenske Trafikverket oppgradere den første linjen i det svenske jernbanenettet til ERTMS.
• Det nasjonale oppgraderingsprogrammet starter med Malmbanen, som går fra den norsk-svenske grensen til Luleå havn.
• Kontrakten innebærer leveranse av Hitachis ERTMS Level 2-mark system på den 140 km lange linjen mellom Gällivare og Boden.
(Oslo, xx. mars 2021) –

Hitachi Rail digitaliserar 14 mil av Malmbanan mellan Gällivare och Boden, benämnt styrområde Polcirkeln

Hitachi Rail digitaliserar 14 mil av Malmbanan mellan Gällivare och Boden, benämnt styrområde Polcirkeln

• Hitachi Rail kommer tillsammans med Trafikverket och som ett led i ERTMS-utbyggnaden arbeta med den första stora implementationen av det nya ERTMS-systemet i Sverige.
• Arbetet med det nationella programmet för järnvägsdigitalisering börjar med moderniseringen av den viktiga Malmbanan som utgör förutsättning för transporterna av malm till hamnarna i Narvik och Luleå.
• Kontraktet innefatta

New assignment to Ansaldo STS from Saturno Consortium for the HS/HC Milano-Verona line, Brescia Est-Verona section

New assignment to Ansaldo STS from Saturno Consortium for the HS/HC Milano-Verona line, Brescia Est-Verona section

07 December 2018, 08:15 am
On December 6, 2018 "Saturno Consortium for the construction of railway works with high technological content for the Italian high-speed railway system" - following the contract signed with the CEPAV Due Consortium, General Contractor responsible for the design and construction of the HS/HC (High Speed and High Capacity) Brescia Est - Verona railway line,

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